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Monday, August 18, 2014

#3: Father of the Bride



In this family-orientated film, George Banks (Steve Martin) deals with the fact that his young daughter, Annie (Kimberly Williams-Paisley), is growing up, she is about to get married. George openly disagrees with Annie marrying Bryan MacKenzie (George Newbern) due to their age, his profession, and even his background.

Wishing to have her wedding at her childhood home, Annie and Bryan plan to wed at the Banks' household, at the expense of George's insanity. Driven mad (naturally) by expenses, decorations, and even a new wedding planner (Martin Short), George seems to only find comfort in his wife, Nina (Diane Keaton). Nina's optimism and positive attitude about the aspects of their daughter's wedding help keep George sane.

Fathers everywhere can relate to George Banks: he's dealing with his twenty something year old daughter getting married to a complete stranger quite well. Throughout the span of the movie, George's relationship with Annie strengthens and becomes bitter sweet as the pair reminisce over Annie's childhood and await the new chapter in their lives now that Annie will become a married woman.

This film is perfect for a family of all ages. Every father knows (or will know) George's position, every mother sympathizes with Nina, and every daughter awaits to be her own version of Annie. With a little tears and a lot of laughs, The Father of Bride brings joy to all its viewers.

Favorite Character 

Nina Banks - Her calm, cool, and collected attitude saves both George and the rest of the Banks family as the wedding approaches and nerves begin to set in. As the mother of the bride, Nina should naturally be the one to "freak out"; however, she perfectly collects herself and shows a bold face. Nina Banks perfectly models a woman that knows how to balance everything - from a wedding, from a budding daughter, to a slightly insane husband. Could you imagine your mother as calm and collected as Mrs. Banks on your wedding day?

Favorite Scene 

That last goodbye to Daddy after the reception is what every daughter
thinks about on her wedding day. What will he say? Of course he's going to cry! Annie Banks missed her's, and George didn't get to say goodbye face-to-face. However, when Annie calls from the airport specifically for her father, a daughter cannot help to feel for her. This scene perfectly captures a beautiful father-daughter relationship. George's words to Annie are full of fatherly love and show that he is ecstatic for this new chapter in Annie's life as a married woman.

Favorite Quotes

"Well, that's the thing about life, is the surprises, the little things that sneak up on you and grab hold of you." (George Banks)
"Annie was all grown up and was leaving us, and something inside began to hurt." (George Banks)
"This was the moment I'd been dreading for the past six months. Actually for the past 22 years." (George Banks)
"What is this, 1958? Give the little wife a blender!" (Annie Banks)

Link to Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKSmMr0uOHk

Do you like this newer version of the film or do you prefer the Spencer Tracy/Elizabeth Taylor version from 1950? 


  1. I had totally forgotten about this movie - it's one of my favorites!

  2. I like both versions of the film. Pretty much equally. But, if you like Spencer Tracy, then you MUST see "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?". One the finest scenes from moviedom is Spencer Tracy's monologue at the film's end. A beautiful film that I think that you might love too!
