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Sunday, January 4, 2015

#1: Les Misérables


Holding the top seat at number one, this musical movie captures a snip-it in the lives of several seemingly tangled lives of peasants, runaways, and authorities living in France during a time of rebellion. Several of the characters, especially the poor and down-and-out personas, unite under a single front in order to fight for their personal freedoms and liberty against the tyrannical and despotic French government. The film follows Jean Valjean, a past enslaved criminal who has worked to create a new life for himself as mayor of a small village. Just as Valjean believes he has escaped his captor and prison guard (Javert), he puts his freedom on the line in order to save the daughter (Cosette) of a factory worker (Fantine) that he failed to protect from the miseries and toils of a working frenchwoman. Constantly moving from town to town in order to ensure their security, Cosette becomes resentful of Valjean, especially when she meets the love of her life (Marius). A battle-filled freedom-fight romantic movie musical, Les Miserables successfully thrusts you into the barricades of freedom and forces you to join in the fight that will give them the right to be free.

Favorite Character - Enjolras

As the leader of the dissenting Frenchmen, Enjolras holds a very high, yet dangerous position. His enchanting voice and luscious locks might add to his cause; however, his persistence and tenacity in creating an equal France liberates the audience and recruits even more supporters. The mere angst and longing for freedom can be felt and heard in his falsetto and experienced in his fight behind the barricades with his fellow men. Who was your favorite character? 

Favorite Scene 

Do You Hear the People Sing? Behind Enjolras and Marius, an army of men and women rally against the French aristocracy. The longing in their voices adds to the drama as Enjolras steals the French flag and waves it in the direction of the people - the true backbone of France. This scene offers a glimpse in to the rebellion, love,  war, loss, love, angst, and freedom of Les Miserables. Did this scene move you like it moved me?

Favorite Quotes

"The blood of the martyrs will water the meadows of France!"
"To love another person is to see the face of God."
"This is the land I fought for liberty, now when we fight, we fight for bread... here is the thing about equality, everyone's equal when they're dead."
"Empty chairs at empty tables, where my friends shall sing no more."
"I had a dream my life would be so different from this hell I'm living!"
"Then join in the fight that will give you the right to be free!"

Link to Preview: http://youtu.be/IuEFm84s4oI

Let me know what you think of this amazing film!


  1. This is my fave - I love Enjolras (aka Trip from Gossip Girl)
